Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A little dab 'll do ya.

This is a phrase I heard a lot growing up, and I'm sure you have to. It was generally said in reference to how much shampoo or toothpaste I would use. Today God used it to describe something so much more serious than that, sin or separation from God.

This morning (at 6:15am) God woke me up because He had something He wanted me to know, and apparently this is the only time I'd listen. But I'm going to be honest here, I haven't been acting the way I should in my new relationship with God -the whole being thing. On the scale of my old life I was fine, but I want something more, and God knew I needed help with that.

So this morning, again, I opened up to 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. I honestly have been going back to that passage a lot, and I think it's an important part of my new walk with Christ (mostly because He showed it to me). Anyways, God told me this morning that I have been holding resentment towards Him for having me get rid of my clothes. And it's true...not about all of my clothes, just the new ones I got that I was super excited about, but I'm learning that those aren't important, and aren't to be my focus.

Anyways, back to the resentment. Part of me was not ok with giving away my clothes -not fully. It was a huge thing to ask, and I was having a hard time just being with God after that because I didn't know what crazy thing God was going to ask me to do next. (and this-giving away all my clothes- is the big thing for me -for you it could be your music collection -or coffee, just to put it into perspective)

I have been focusing on what God will ask me to do, instead of who God is asking me to be. And these past few days have definitely not been as exciting without the saturation of His presence. But He couldn't saturate me as long as I was holding Him at arms length. He wanted to comfort me and be with me, but I was putting Him in time-out until I figured out how to handle the situation.

You see, a little dab of yeast -the yeast of my old self- permeating my bread caused separation between me and God. Just a little heart hint of resentment. Not enough for me to fully realize it, but enough to do the job -causing me to have a little rebellion from God.

Just a little dab 'll do ya.

Just a little yeast caused me to be away from my God. I don't want that to happen again. I don't try to say that I'm perfect at this lifestyle -this whole being in God and in His presence focusing on Him. Obviously, I'm not. However, I am excited about the possibility of the unleavened bread relationship. The one without any yeast, and that makes it worth it.

Being saturated in God is so worth it, and ANYTHING that takes me away from that is not worth my time.

-Kate Nowak

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