Tuesday, August 28, 2012

God's test

I've been learning lately, that sometimes God likes to test people -or maybe just me? Seems like it has been happening to me a lot. God will ask me to do something -that may or may not make any sense- and it will generally have no "fruit". I'm not talking about the physical fruit, but having God tell you to go somewhere to talk to a person and they don't show up -some people would immediately jump to me not hearing God correctly, but I know it to be a test.

This is because I just got over a really massive test that showed me where my heart is -and it's not pretty enough to be on the cover of a valentine, that's for sure.

You know the whole clothes situation I've been writing about? Well part of that was a big test. Nothing to it. Just God checking my obedience and teaching me a lesson about how I view God and where I stand with Him.

The whole dunking myself in the river and giving away my clothes, in my understanding, was more than a test -it was symbolic of the new person I am in my relationship with Christ. This I hold to be true, as even in the last 2 weeks, my fundamental personality and focus has changed in line with the ministry God has called me to.


Part of the clothes situation was a test. You see God didn't want me buying clothes to fill up my wardrobe for a week, is what I heard during the situation and He would provide me clothes. One of my closest friends "had just happened to be" cleaning out her closet and was planning to give me clothes at the exact time I needed them (I don't believe in coincidence friends). So I had clothes, but you bet when the week was up, I bought some of the things I felt was necessity -shorts, shoes, and few more shirts.

Then came the rough test that God put me through. He told me that I needed to give away or plainly could not keep the clothes I had just bought. This one really frustrated me because God wasn't just taking away my clothes, He was taking away my right to provide for myself -after the point when I thought I could.

I wish I could say I dealt with it well. I wish I could say -"I'll trust you God, You know more than I", but that was not the case. I had a really bad screaming fit at God -a temper tantrum of sorts. There was some more stuff that led into this, but really the main one for me was not being able to feel God during the whole clothes thing -except to hear Him say to get rid of my clothes. No other time could I feel His presence and guidance in my life like I normally do -and looking back on it, I think that was His purpose.

After my screaming match, God gave Robert a verse number to have Him look up, and it was the one where God stopped Abraham from sacrificing His son because He was looking for Abraham's obedience (how he'd react), not the death of His son. It soon came to light through this that I could keep the clothes and God was testing my reactions- to teach me the state of my heart.

It took me a while to be able to deal with failure. I'm sure if I knew it was a test -I would have passed. I'm still not so sure it was a pass or fail thing -or if God would have dragged ont he situation until I cracked to see how long I'd make it? I don't know if I'll ever know.

I did learn two things out of the situation:

1. My view and style of clothes has changed. I no longer look at people's clothing as I pass them on the sidewalk in the way that I used to. I was so worried about clothes and how I looked, that because I was focused on how I looked -I was focused on how others looked.

Now it's a different focus. I like to look nice, but I don't really care or notice the style. Now, I see people  in style and I don't find the need to go out and match the style. I simply think they look nice. I'm sure you girls will understand the difference. I found it's not about being in style, but being your style. There are still thinks that don't look right on different people or excellent on certain people, but I'm finding I'm caring more about the people than the clothes.

2. What my heart looks like with God. I feel like God purposely withdrew Himself from me to see how I would react outside of His presence -How I would react to Him. Honestly, I had a really hard time with obedience and I didn't know how I could trust Him when I didn't like what He was doing.

Generally with God I don't normally understand what He's doing, but it was never something that I would consider mean, or something I really didn't want to do. I generally don't have a problem doing weird, but found I have a hard time doing hard.

I learned I wasn't able to trust God when I didn't like God. And that's a big revelation. I don't have to know what God is doing, or where He is taking me, but I do need to learn to trust Him more.

Love is not a feeling. And likewise, I don't have to feel God to love Him. I don't have to feel like trusting Him to do so. I can't base my actions upon the feelings of the situation, but always have to put God's directions first, no matter how silly, mean, or simple they may appear.

In all this situation really did help to strengthen my relationship with God and my realization that God is above the situation. God does not answer to me, I answer to Him. This is something I thought I had already known. It was head knowledge, but not heart knowledge.

My actions in the situation did not say that God had more control than myself in my own life, and this my friends is what I am working on. -letting God have everything, even when it does not make sense to.

learning and loving,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

God's words to me (8/22/12)

This morning, after my devotions, God told me He wasn't done with me. He told me that He has big plans for me, and that I can't compare myself with where others are with Him, not looking at those above or below me -just looking at Him.

God told me that He wants me to have an intimate relationship with Him. He wants me to be focused on Him, so we can be (actively being in relationship -not in proximity) together. He wants me to know that I don't have to be scared about where my walk will take me because in the future "it will be easier".  "It will be easier, not because the things will be less hard, but because your focus will be on Me. The more you focus on me, the less important these things will be become."

With my God I will be able to overcome whatever He asks me to give up and whatever persecution He asks me to endure. I will be able to live differently without comparing myself to others because I will be focused on Him. Nothing else will matter. Because of my focus, things will be easier to endure because I will be remade with the same Spirit that filled Jesus. The same spirit that empowered Him will empower me, and just as He endured the cross, I will be able to endure whatever comes my way. I have the Holy Spirit power within me, I just need to let it flow through me -and everything will stem from that.

And I receive it!

Peace & love,

A little dab 'll do ya.

This is a phrase I heard a lot growing up, and I'm sure you have to. It was generally said in reference to how much shampoo or toothpaste I would use. Today God used it to describe something so much more serious than that, sin or separation from God.

This morning (at 6:15am) God woke me up because He had something He wanted me to know, and apparently this is the only time I'd listen. But I'm going to be honest here, I haven't been acting the way I should in my new relationship with God -the whole being thing. On the scale of my old life I was fine, but I want something more, and God knew I needed help with that.

So this morning, again, I opened up to 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. I honestly have been going back to that passage a lot, and I think it's an important part of my new walk with Christ (mostly because He showed it to me). Anyways, God told me this morning that I have been holding resentment towards Him for having me get rid of my clothes. And it's true...not about all of my clothes, just the new ones I got that I was super excited about, but I'm learning that those aren't important, and aren't to be my focus.

Anyways, back to the resentment. Part of me was not ok with giving away my clothes -not fully. It was a huge thing to ask, and I was having a hard time just being with God after that because I didn't know what crazy thing God was going to ask me to do next. (and this-giving away all my clothes- is the big thing for me -for you it could be your music collection -or coffee, just to put it into perspective)

I have been focusing on what God will ask me to do, instead of who God is asking me to be. And these past few days have definitely not been as exciting without the saturation of His presence. But He couldn't saturate me as long as I was holding Him at arms length. He wanted to comfort me and be with me, but I was putting Him in time-out until I figured out how to handle the situation.

You see, a little dab of yeast -the yeast of my old self- permeating my bread caused separation between me and God. Just a little heart hint of resentment. Not enough for me to fully realize it, but enough to do the job -causing me to have a little rebellion from God.

Just a little dab 'll do ya.

Just a little yeast caused me to be away from my God. I don't want that to happen again. I don't try to say that I'm perfect at this lifestyle -this whole being in God and in His presence focusing on Him. Obviously, I'm not. However, I am excited about the possibility of the unleavened bread relationship. The one without any yeast, and that makes it worth it.

Being saturated in God is so worth it, and ANYTHING that takes me away from that is not worth my time.

-Kate Nowak

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I serve a greater God!

I'm so excited that I serve a God who is active in my life and wants to know me! There is nothing in this world that could make me happier than to know that the God who is in control of everything, who made everything, and to whom nature obeys wants to know me personally!

In fact, He has already taken the time to get to know me personally. Yes, God knows everything, but He still chooses to be in intimate relationship to me. He knows everything about me, when I sleep when I'm awake! It's such a blessing and I'm honored that my God moves!

God is working so much in Robert and my life and I am amazed at how real of a God we have. We have the God who's presence moves in our lives. We have a God who stirs our hearts and gives us passions, who satisfies our every need!

We have a God who is greater than all circumstances because He created the universe in which they appear. He is greater than all our troubles and chaos because He is greater than time itself!


and it's about time I treat Him like it. I'm no longer putting my God in a little box with the little actions I think He will take in my life. I'm no longer expecting nothing to happen in my life because I KNOW I serve a living God who is greater than my imagination tenfold could ever dream!

And my God wants to be an active part of my life...and my God can't doesn't want to be a small part. He wants to be my everything! And I know as I surrender everything to Him, He is going to take me on adventures that I can barely fathom!

I hope you'll step into the Big journey that God has planned for you, as I am!
It's exciting and worth every step. :)

Love and excitement,

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Husband :)

Robert is one of the best people I have ever met in this world. And yes, I guess I’m a little biased. But seriously, I am way blessed to have him as a partner in this journey.

I remember when we first got together and honestly he wasn’t that focused on God. I was always pushing the prayer and the devotions and most anything that related to God.

And I’m not saying this against Robert or trying to build myself up. Not at all.  You see, my entire life I had a hyperfocus on God. If I was to describe to you my perfect best friend the first thing I would say is that I want her to ALWAYS want to talk about God. Every conversation. All the time. This is because that’s how I am. I love God. I love God more than anything and more than anything I want to know where people are in life and what God’s doing in their life. That’s the main thing I’m interested in. It’s just my personality and who I’ve been my entire life.

And Robert, well He was a normal 15 year old boy living a normal to above average faith. He went on missions trips and he sincerely loved God.

I remember wanting Robert to be more focused on God and honestly to step up and be the leader in Christ I needed him to be. And there were times I was discouraged by it.

And honestly, it wasn't until this moment that I had thought about it in a long time. And it’s because I look at my husband, who just got done with 4 hours of God time and I’m inspired.

When I go to God time I want God to just speak to me right away. Don’t get me wrong I love my God time and I can deal with lengthy…as long as God is active during the lengthy. I can sit through long sermons…as long as I am getting something out of it (which is pretty often), but I have a hard time with patience and silence. I just get too excited.

Which is why I am in awe of my husband’s faith and diligence. Somewhere along this faith journey he naturally stepped up to be the leader that God has called him to be.

I couldn’t tell you the day, or what exactly changed. But I do know that Robert is obedient and I love him for it.

I love the partnership that we have in our faith journey together and I love walking beside Him on our path towards God and His plans for us. And I am in awe of the way God answers prayer even when we aren’t paying attention.

He is great! And he has blessed me with a great husband!


Friday, August 17, 2012

The new batch relationship!

Titus 3:7 "so that having been justified by His grace, we may become heirs with the hope of eternal life".

This is the goal that God wants for each and every single one of us. It's what He wants from me! You see this verse is part of a bigger passage: Titus 3:4-7. This passage talks about what God did for us when He died on the cross. It's about His sacrifice as Savior, so we can have relationship with God. It's about His desire for you and I to become heirs with Him!

It's about having the Holy Spirit and being in relationship with God! He wants us to be intimate with Him.

Which brings me to the second verse God brought me to: 1 Corinthians 5:8, "Therefore, let us observe the feast, not with old yeast, or with the yeast of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." With this verse, God was bringing me back to what He'd been teaching me. You see, everything He had me do, geting rid of my clothes and going in the river was an outward example of this.

It's a big symbol of the new relationship I have in Christ.

He wants us each to have this kind of relationship. The relationship that we have in Him because of what He did for us. It's no longer about religion or sacrifices, it's about a Holy relationship with our Heavenly Father!

It's about being with Christ so that everything in our life that does not line up with God is gone. He wants us to live a new life. Coming to the feasts (or times when we celebrate the Father) as a new person, living in the new relationship He paved the way for.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


It's been another day at Brown City camp, which means it's been another day of growth and seeking God's presence.

Today's 10 am service finished up everything I needed to learn in relation to the mental breakdown I had.

The speaker talked about not being afraid of being like Christ. And this message began to touch my soul as He began to reaffirm that it's about being in love with God -not focused on doing.

Once again, I learned that if I am focused on Christ, EVERYTHING will fall into place in my life. God will change in me the things He wants changed in His timing.

It's all sooo great! I don't have to "do" anything -except love God! and let God define love! He gets the hard wrok. Everything I become will be because of Him. Everything I "do" will be because of Him. Not me!

Now I'm full of peace & excitement (yes they can go together) as I am focused on loving God with my entire being!

with love and peace,

Testimony towards Intimacy

Today God directed me to 1 John 5:9, "If we accept the testimony of men, God's testimony is greater, because it is God's testimony that He has given about His Son."

To be honest, I didn't really look at it to contextually, but that's because God gave me something specific from it.

You see. I love Stephen Manley's sermons about intimacy with God. He has been focusing his study on it his whole life...and you can tell. He's the guy who spoke at Brown City camp last week and if you haven't looked him up -you need to!

Anyways...with this verse, God told me that with how much I have grasped onto the concept from Stephen Manley -how much more will I grasp onto actual intimacy and the words that God has given me? He has sooo much more planned for me than just hearing about intimacy. -He wants me to experience it!

^Can't complain about that one! In fact, I'm rejoicing! There is nothing that would make me happier than intimacy with the God who knows every detail about me. He knows me better than I know myself -and still He wants me to be close to Him!?! It's amazing!

We are talking about the Guy who created the universe. The greatest Deity that struck down nations with one man. That makes the impossible possible. The GREAT God who created me! and who thinks of me as one of His crowning achievements...yea, it's that God who wants intimacy with me!

How can I keep from singing, when this is the relationship of the new covenant. This is the purpose of Jesus' divine death -a relationship with me.

It's beautiful guys. Simply beautiful!

meet me in the river (part 2) (8/16/12)

So today I was talking to God and He wanted told me to give away all the my t-shirts as well and live off of Robert's clothes for now until He provides me with more. As well as give away all of my shoes except the pair I was wearing.

SO...I officially was down to one pair of pants, two bras, underwear, and one pair of worn out flip flops.

Then Lila came over with clothes she had cleaned out of her closet. So I have three pairs of pants that magically fit me perfectly...ok, so it's not magic- it's God!

It's a start to my new wardrobe that God is going to provide. I now have 4 pants, 8 shirts, 4 hoodies, 2 skirts, 1 dress, 2 cardigans, and 2 scarves. That is currently all the clothes to my name. And they are all from God! Blessings! :/

It's ok though. I really am getting used to it because God explained the purpose for it. It's an outward expression of my inward change. I really did fundamentally change my relationship with God this summer and as I'm transitioning towards the service and ministry God has planned for me, He wanted me to have a public expression of it.

And this is really fitting for who I am. I know some people express themselves through music or art, but for me it was always clothes. So it's good that God is having me change my clothes to express my new personality.

And you know....just like my closet, I'm still starting out. I'm ok with where I am with God because it's a journey and I can look at the finish line as a promise for the future not an evaluation of where I'm not at. At the same time though, I do look forward to the additions in my personality and walk with God (and my closet). :)


Meet me in the river (8/15/12)

SO God has been doing wonderful things! It's soo amazing! I don't even know where to begin. I guess for starters I should let you know that God gave me the entire summer to focus on Him and prepare for what He wanted me to know...

So I haven't had a job all summer...just focusing on Him. Then He began to tell Robert about this international missions opportunity He wants us to do. and be a part of and it's huge! It's wonderful how amazing God is.

And then HE began to teach me that life isn't about doing it's about being. Being in His presence. Being a lover of God. Surrendering everything for Him.

Then today He had me go down to the river to be with Him. And then He told me to go dunk myself in the river. and I did that. I cam back to my room to change and He told me to surrender and give all my clothes away...I still don't know why, but I was able to keep my tshirts, a pair of jeans, and all the shoes that didn't fit my one friend.
and then He told me to call her and have her come to the river with me.

So we dunked ourselves in the river 3 times to symbolize our walk together in my walk with God. and then we both dunked each other.

Then she came and tried on my shoes and took my clothes....

then God told me to do it again. this time one for the amount of years until the missions thing happens or is in full swing.

and later i did it for Robert.

Then Lila had me read 1 king 5:1-19. She told me God had laid it on her heart to have me read it and dunk myself  another 7 times.

But God is sooo good. My relationship with Him will be fundamentally changed from here on out! 

BE ready

Titus 3:1 states "be ready for every good work". Be ready. It's about being. Being in relationship with God and letting Him mold you. You be. He does. When you are focused on God fully surrendered to Him, you are then ready for good works. Doing stems from being. You can't do to become. You must be then do. That's why Jesus' ministry started with Baptism. It started with being. It started with the pouring of the spirit and being in relationship with God. The time for His ministry came when He surrendered and the spirit was poured on Him. When He was in relation as a man with the Spirit of His God the Father, who is our father. And we have the same spirit. So just as Jesus needed to be to do, so must we follow His example. Be in intimate relation with God and He will do through you.

Free from sin

Good morning my friends! God is soo good. He reminded me this morning that hey you don't need to sin today. You are free from sin. No longer a slave because I became the master over sin. I defeated sin on the cross. I was the perfect blood sacrifice that shook the bondage of sin and freed every person who believes in me from sin.

It is through Jesus that we will come to know no sin. If we choose.
 Think about it. We are the only thing that is making us sin. Well what about the devil? HE has NO POWER over you! That's why he can only tempt. He can't make you do anything. He has no control over you when you are in the Hands of God!

You are the only thing keeping you from the perfect relationship in Christ. When Christ was on earth He was fully man. FULLY Man. Just like you and I. Jesus paved the way for us to become righteous. We need only focus on God.

Don't focus on not sinning. If you try to do it in your will, you will fail. It's not about your will power. Or your power to do. It's about your diligence to be. It's about how much you love God. The more you love God and get in an intimate relationship with Him, the less you will sin. It's not a natural reaction to sin when you're in a relationship with Him.

I don't know about you, but this a freeing thought!

1 John 3:5 "Jesus came to earth to be the sins of the world and in Him there is no sin".
John 1:29 "look the lamb of God who took away the sins of the world."
2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us that through Him we might become the righteousness of God"

Old yeast vs. New batch

God has been bringing me back to this one passage: 1 Corinthians 5:7 "Clean out the old yeast so that you may be a new batch, since you are unleavened. For Christ our Passover has been sacrificed." 

In the verse the old yeast is referring to the ways of the flesh, or different sins that plague our lives and keep us from fully surrendering and being the individuals that God desires for us to be. 

The cleaning out the old yeast required diligence and thorough searching -as the Jews would have done in ridding their house of leavened bread before the passover meal.

God wants you to search your heart for what is keeping you from fully surrendering to God and He wants you to throw it away -never to come back to it again, so you can become NEW and PLEASING to Him!

This isn't a purposeless call. It isn't some rule that we have to follow. It's for our sake. God's wants us to not live in sin, but to live in Him. God wants us to be a new creation -a new batch of bread. But He won't force us to. Instead He wants us to realize that being like Him is the best thing in the world and willfully surrender.

He wants US to throw out old yeast -so we can experience the fullness of being new!

Monday, August 6, 2012

A list of God's plans for us


  • God wants us to reach out to Africa and Asia, building, funding, and working with Orphanages and Children's homes
  • Provide nonprofit loans to help people adopt children
  • provide scholarships to help homeless stay at school over the summer.
  • let God provide the money through Robert.
and I think that's so far what God has told us that we will be doing. Will update more as God tells us more. :)


So today was a bigish day for us.

We are in Marlette staying with my parents and going to Brown City camp...and Robert is commuting back and forth, not doing much of the other two.

He did wake up today with 3 voicemails, and throughout the day received a few more, and so far has 3 interviews lined up for this Friday, so more updates on the job search coming soon.

My neck of the woods has been a bit more exciting.
God has been wanting me to take an altar call as a sign of my complete surrender to Him, except I wasn't taking this lightly and wasn't exactly obeying. I knew this was going to be a switch in ministry time and wanted to make sure I was fully prepared to completely surrender everything to Him. Well, Thursday came, and I didn't take the altar call, Friday came and it was the same result.

Finally over the weekend God began really working on me, to the point that today (Monday) I was completely restless. So I went to Brown City camp with the one goal in mind. The altar call.

I was completely restless the entire sermon, which was really good. It was about missions. Well hey, quite fitting for the day that I had officially decided that nothing was going to keep me from doing the altar call.

I was one of the first ones down to the altar, shaking my way down. (I really don't like people looking at me). and as soon as I hit my knees peace rushed over me. I knew God was pleased with my act of obedience...even though it took me long enough to get there.

This nice random lady, I don't know her name, came and prayed with me and asked me what to pray for and I spilled out the story of what God wanted Robert and I to do. And it was as I was telling her about what to pray for, God told me: it's time to tell people my plans. Well, at least Kim (Robert's mom).

We had a great conversation walking around Brown City camp as I explained to her God's plans for our ministry. And most of she already knew. God had been preparing her to hear, which I think is pretty sweet! But the major scope of it she had no idea about.

So tomorrow I am off to spend more time with Kim at Brown City camp. :)

With love,

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A little history on Robert and my story

Seeing as how I'm not actually planning on publishing this blog until the events God wants Robert and I to be a part of come about, history is a little relative. But as of today 8/5/2012, these events that I am going to write about are our history.

Our story is a really cute story about love, but mostly God's plan and the awesome part we get to play. I've always told people that God "dumbyproofed" our relationship and that He must have big plans for us. That couldn't be more true. God has placed Robert and I together, to be the perfect fit for the plans he has for us, which you already know is going to be great!

So, here's a little bit about how God brought us together...it's kinda mindblowing. :)

You see, I had (have?) this friend named Melissa. She and I were completely inseparable the entire summer after 8th grade (and a little during :)). Now she's inseparable from the story of how Robert and I met. You see, Melissa and I were in love with God. Completely passionate about what He was doing in and for us, and because of that we made a list of the things we wanted to do for God. Honestly, we've pretty much forgotten that list and probably didn't get much accomplished. We did want to start a Bible study during the 8th grade school year, and we succeeded in doing that, but the part that plays a vital role in my story was our decision to become missionaries together.

I've always known I was going to be a missionary of some sort, but I'll get into that in a different post. While Melissa and I haven't become missionaries together (God had a different missions partner in mind), we did go on a missions trip. I still remember the day that Melissa asked me to go on the missions trip with her. She and her family were involved in a traveling puppet show group and they were taking a trip to Mexico. I told her I would talk it over with my parents, not exactly convinced that I wanted to go.

My dad was the one that convinced me to say yes. He said if I wanted to be a missionary, I needed to get my feet wet and that this was the perfect opportunity. My pastor of the time helped me send out mission letters and soon support came in....well not exactly. It was actually the day before the money was due that I got enough money. The money was due on a Monday and the Saturday before I had earned $20. I needed $740. That Sunday at church, God showed that He had complete power over my finances and that this was exactly what He wanted me to do. How is it that I knew this? He gave me exactly twice the amount of money that I needed to go, and with the money He told me He had a plan for this trip.

Never was I expecting what happened.

You see, when I went to the puppet meetings with Melissa, I just happened to meet this red-headed boy named Robert. And during the meetings we bonded over being a mutual friend of Melissa's....and being one of the three teenagers that were on the trip, and a butterfly made out of frosting (but that's irrelevant to the story). What is relevant however, is that Robert felt like he knew me or had met me before, but we'll get to the explanation of that later.

Little did I know, that red-head was going to become my husband 4 years later. God knew though, and I was soon to find out. Our missions trip was going to be in February, over the week of Valentine's day. And it was during that week that God told me I was going to marry Robert. Don't worry, it wasn't on Valentine's day -God's not that cheesy :), it was the day after. February 15th, 2007.

You see, I was doing my alone time before breakfast that day. Our missions group had this thing about praying together before each meal (which was one of my favorite times of the day) and Robert was sent to come get me. I was in the middle of reading a passage, so when he told me it was time to circle up, I told him I'd be right there and I was going to finish my paragraph in Philippians. As he was walking away that's when God told me I was going to marry him. An exciting time for a 14 year old female.

( I feel like I should take a break and let you know why prayer time was one of my favorite, it's actually kind of cute and has nothing to do with God. You see when we did prayer time, the entire group circled up and held hands...and Robert and I always ended up next to each other. :) See it's cute!)

Anyways. The week went by and obviously I didn't tell Robert that week. The week passed and I kept my focus on God...until Friday. The end of our missions trip as we were heading back to Texas. Melissa and Robert had been hanging out, and it was a very happy time when she came up to me and told me she had a secret. It turns out that this secret was that Robert liked me ( a very good thing, seeing as how I was to marry him) :).

We went to the Golden Corral that evening with the group, and it was after we got back that we took a walk in the garden at the way of the cross ministries in Harlingen, Texas. A very beautiful garden that witnessed the scene of two awkward teenagers telling each other that they liked each other and exchanging numbers.

The day after we got back from the missions trip I called him up, and that was the beginning of our friendship/relationships. We talked to each other often, so often my parents bought a free long distance ( he lived in Rochester, MI and I in Marlette, MI) plan on our phone (much to my delight). It was during one of these phone conversations that Robert realized where he had seen me.

You see, his mom had forced him to clean his room. And in this case, it proved to be a blessing because he had found a journal entry he had made almost two years ago at that point. This journal entry described a dream in which God had told Robert that he was going to marry me. This dream was given to Robert BEFORE we went on the missions trip together. BEFORE he met me. Before we even knew each other God had told Robert of His plans for us to get married and have children, and that missions trip was more than just getting my feet wet. It was the meeting of my husband.

Some people say that we've moved fast in getting married. We got married on our 4 year anniversary (may 28th, 2011), the year after our freshman year of college, while I was at the age of 18 and he six days over 20. I was a little hesitant over getting married so young as well. It's not really something I would promote, but we were following God's direction, and that's what's important. And recently, with everything God has been sharing with us about our future, we've come to realize, that as with everything, God's timing is perfect. If we had done our relationship in our timing, we would be thinking of wedding plans right now, instead of having the focus on God to allow Him to prepare us for the big plans of the future. :)


Things are getting pretty exciting here in our one room apartment. God has really been telling Robert some of the things that we are going to be doing and getting us prepared and in position for the good works He has planned for us.

One of my favorite times in my relationship with Robert is when we have nights like last night. No, surprisingly, being 19 and 21, I'm not talking about the Song of Songs part of our relationship. I'm talking about the dirty work God has called us to do. The staying up late because God has called it on our hearts to have some one-on-one time with Him.

Last night I was having a really hard time with what God wants me to do. He wants me to completely surrender every part of everyday to Him. Seeing as this is a fundamental aspect of my faith and found in the Bible countless times, I should be ok with this right? Well... I'm ok with it...being in the Bible.  I'm finding it to be a little daunting living out, and had a little mental breakdown last night.

Anyways, God in His loving and faithful ways gave Robert the exact verse that I needed to hear, and it caused Robert to laugh as soon as he read it. The verse was 1 Timothy 2:6, "The farmer should be the first to share in the harvest". I of course being dullheaded didn't quite get it at first and Robert expanded the verse to say that God has big plans for us, yes, but it's not all going to be hard work. Right now, the preparations can be hard and not all the rewarding, but the harvest will come and we will be rewarded and blessed. It's not all going to be hard work, there will be feasts and celebrations to come with the harvest.

That was the encouragement I needed. Along with what Robert did next. He went, after working 12 hours at work that day, after consoling me and my mental breakdown, he went and had His God time. You see, God had told him that he needed to quit his job. This is the job that he's had since he was 16. His first job, and it's been rewarding. God gave it to him right after we first started going out, and I remember how excited he was when he had enough money to get his first cell phone, and how great it was when he realized it was going to be enough money to provide and allow us to get married.

Recently, it hasn't been so great. Nothing wrong with the store or the business. Except that it's hard work. Not that we aren't capable of doing hard work. It's exactly the opposite. Robert is one of the hardest working people that I know...in fact, he's easily doing the work of 2-3 people at his job. And that's the hard part about it. The hardest part is when he comes home from work so exhausted that the only physical contact we have is a weary, exhausted hug and a plea for a back massage.

Needless to say, his working the amount of multiple people at work has left him with nothing left to give at home and God recently told Robert that it wasn't good. So here Robert was, after consoling me and being the vessel of God that I desperately needed, starting his God time at 12:30 pm knowing that he needed to be up  by 6:00am the next day, with the goal of getting 10 resumes in before he went to bed.

I know this post is getting long, but I wanted to let you know the small and big accomplishments along the way. And this is my favorite part of the journey. Knowing that Robert and I are training for our big race together. We are preparing ourselves, and allowing God to mold us, as we are getting ready for the good works God has called us to do.

Peace and love,
Kate Nowak