Friday, June 7, 2013

Breaking off the chains of Intimidation 6-6-13

Last night was the night of The Gathering here in Rochester Hills, MI. It's a place where young teens gather at Oakland Christian Church and it's a place where real change happened in my life. To start with I went to a communication group led by Amy Basel and the spirit was using the words that He had given her to speak to three different aspects of my life including my calling, a mentor, and a specific word that he had given to me for Tuesday.

At the end of the message I felt like God was saying that I needed to hug Amy. And I also felt like He was saying to me that I should share my calling in front of people. Both of those things happened later.

It was at the end of the gathering message and worship that I went up and talked to Amy with one of my friends that I grew up with. We greeted with a hug, and I thought that I was just going to encourage her by telling her that her message had an impact in my life in three areas, but I walked away more blessed than I could ever have expected.

Amy asked me about the three areas that God had spoken about and the one was my calling and I told her what God had placed in Robert and my front of Alyssa...confirming the message that God told me to share my calling in front of people...and perhaps one day it will be so in a larger group...who knows?...anyways we continued talking and Amy mentioned something about my lack of belief in my calling -not because I didn't believe that God was capable, but because I didn't believe that God would call me to something so great.

And that hit home because it was the truth.

And we talked a little bit about community and my fear of it...and she spoke another truth...that I was intimidated by people.

And so we prayed about it and we prayed that the chains of intimidation would fall off of me and in that moment I just felt a complete lightness in every aspect of my being. I felt full of the spirit and I felt brand new and as of today I am free of those chains and I see people in a new light.

Before I had put everyone on a kind of pedestal that had to do with my self-image issues and such, but as was spoken over was all in my head.

And in this moment I'm a little afraid that I might revert back to those chains, but I'm choosing to trust God to help me stay in freedom because I have the power to walk without intimidation from man. I have the ability to stand in front of celebrities and people the world considers important and not feel unimportant in comparison because I am a child of God created in His image -with His spirit pouring through me and I have a great calling on my life- and I am free.

So I look forward to my new relationships with people and the social skills that God is going to cultivate in me and bestow upon me.

Because as was spoken over me...Satan attacks most where your greatest ministry lies.

And that, my friends, for me is community.

And so as I'm writing this to you now, I'm thinking back to one of my lasts posts about fearing community and all I can think about is how awesome the power of God is. I, in my own power, could not have gone from fear to conquering is so short of time. That is the power of God! He is able to do miracles in our lives where we feel like we are going to have to trudge on our own. But our lives are not our own battle, because all our obstacles have already been defeated by Jesus who goes before us and we just have to walk in obedience and faith and trust that those obstacles will not stand in our way because they have already been defeated.

Excited to be standing here in the victory of the spirit,